• Where is your tutoring service located?

    We are a mostly mobile tutoring service located in North Canberra. We service Canberra City, Gungahlin and Belconnen regions for 1:1 tutoring.

    Group sessions and Holiday programs will take place in a local public school in central Canberra.

  • Can I enrol halfway through a term?

    Yes! If there are places available we are always willing to tutor more students.

  • What sort of things do you teach in each session?

    We will explore different text types through quality resources and explore text and language features. Some things we may look at are:

    • Part of speech (nouns, adverbs, adjectives etc.)

    • Sentence Structure

    • Grammar and punctuation

    • Purpose and impact of various text types

    • Text-specific vocabulary

    • Word families and spelling patterns

    • Phonics

  • Do you use a single program to teach spelling and writing?

    We draw on a range of different approaches, strategies and programs to teach spelling and writing. This is because one approach doesn’t fit all! Some of the programs and approaches we use are:

    • Scaffolding Literacy

    • David Hornsby- Words in Context

    • Words their way

    • SMART Spelling

  • Can I enrol my child in a group session first?

    For your child to get the best outcomes, they need to spend their first term tutoring 1:1 with a tutor. This is so we can really get to know your child’s learning style, strengths and areas of development. We will then place them in a small group session the following term.

  • Can my child get help with their homework?

    Unfortunately not, as the tutor will have a program in place based on your child’s learning needs which is planned in advance.

  • Can I enrol my child in one session only?

    Due to the high demand for tutoring in the ACT, unfortunately single sessions are not available. You will need to enrol your child in our tutoring services for the whole term.

  • What types of writing will you do in your tutoring sessions?

    We will explore a range of different text types. This will also be dependant on what your child’s learning goals are. We may cover narrative, persuasive texts, reports, letter writing etc. all in alignment with the Australian Curriculum.

  • Do you offer discounts if I have a sibling that needs tutoring?

    Yes!! We offer a 5% sibling discount when a sibling is enrolled for the term. Ask about some of our other discounts!